The Administrative Council is the governing body of the church. It is comprised of committee chairpersons and specific individual positions. They meet quarterly to hear committee and individual reports and to act on matters that need approval. All members of the church are welcome to attend the meetings and may speak at the meeting if recognized by the chairperson; however, only members of the Administrative Council may vote.


The Christian Education Committee oversees all faith formation experiences (Sunday school, youth group, adult bible studies, etc.) for the congregation so that people of all ages will grow in their understanding of God and become better equipped for daily living as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. They lead the congregation in understanding the importance of lifelong growth as Christian disciples.


The Congregational Care Committee aims to nurture our members and friends by providing encouragement, practical support, and prayer to meet the spiritual, emotional, physical, and relational needs of those people God brings our way throughout the week.  This includes home communion, hospital/home/nursing home visits, prayer chain ministry, home meals, quilt/prayer shawl ministry, transportation ministry, etc. 


The Endowment Committee receives financial gifts and invests those gifts with the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan. Yearly earnings may be granted for projects that will enhance the mission of Christ and the ministry of the church.

Endowment Fund Grant Application.

Endowment Fund Spending Policy


The Finance Committee has the responsibility of insuring that there are sufficient funds to address all financial demands of the local church. The Finance Committee completes this task by conservative and educated budgeting and maintenance of funds available. These efforts, along with guidance from the Administrative Council, provide the financial foundation for our future success.


The Outreach Committee organizes outreach events to connect our congregation with our local community and to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people. The activities of the committee are varied and provide members a place to use their gifts and talents in an area that might interest them.


The Scholarship Committee receives financial gifts and invests those gifts with the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan. Scholarships may be granted for members pursuing a higher education.

Click here for Scholarship Policy.

Click here for Scholarship Application.


The Trustees take the “behind the scenes” role of maintaining the church and parsonage buildings, equipment, and grounds. 


A gift from the Edith Wilsterman Trust, these funds are invested with the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan. Yearly earnings may be granted for projects that will enhance the mission of Christ and the ministry of the church. Click here for Grant Application. (N/A)

The St. Charles United Methodist Church Wilsterman Trust will not be granting any funds to individuals or organizations in 2024, this is due to the market fluctuations in 2022 and 2023 that had a negative impact on our investments; thus, our ability to fund grant requests.

We encourage you to check our website,, early in 2025 for updated information on grant funding possibilities.


The Worship Committee oversees everything related to the “Sunday morning experience” from the moment people pull into the parking lot until the moment they leave. They lead the congregation by providing opportunities for worship celebrations that focus on God, helping people of all ages to grow in their understanding of God and become better equipped for daily living as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. They coordinate support ministries for worship including hospitality, communion stewards, liturgists, greeters, acolytes, ushers, sound techs, etc.